"Shraddham.. yajmaanaa upaasate..vindate vasu" Shraddha brings prosperity to yajmaans. Rig //10/151/4//

"..Aham vrishtim Daashushe" To the donors, I provide abundantly- Rig Ved //4/26/2//


Being Yajman & Volunteer is the adopted working model for practical applications of Shraddhaa & Seva tenets at DAVSS/ASGH.

The objective is to create a mindset, in students & parents, a mindset which is conducive to proper, continuous and all-round development of children.

  • The model requires active involvement of parents in mentoring DAVSS students at home.
  • It empowers parents to lead their children in cultivating high morals & ethics.
  • The S&S provides mechanism and enables parents to be active role models for their children.
  • The principle behind the 'Shraddhaa & Seva' is to create an ideal environment for children at their homes according to their leanings at DAV Sanskriti School.
  • The S&S provide continuation of learning and application of Vedic tenets for both- the parents & students.
  • It initiates team-work between parents, students and DAVS School in mentoring the child/ren.


DAVSS parents as Yajmaans at Satsang in Main Hall and as Volunteers Objectives:

  • Bringing children closer to their parents
    Guiding principle: "Family that prays together, eats together and serves together, stays together"
  • To ingrain Shraddha & Seva in our students' minds
    Shraddha & Seva are the basic tenets of Hinduism
    Shraddha - Devotion to God Faith in Vedic Dharma & Vedic values
    Seva - Serving society and humanity at large

Why do it?

  • Being Yajmaan involves Jyaan, Karma & Upasanaa, the three necessary modes to be near God and to induct Shraddhaa & Seva in oneself and one's child.

Jyaan: True Knowledge creates Shraddhaa. Knowing about God & Dharma (the way to live righteously) Learning Vedas (our canonical scriptures) and other scriptures through pravachan (lecture), an integral part of satsang every week.

Karma: Seva (sefless service to society) i.e. to serve others beyond ours & our families self Interests, such as serving food at ASGH, cleaning etc. Selfless service diminishes ego, thus bringing one near to god.

Upasanaa: Prayers by yajmaan during yajna, induce obeisance to all-giving divinity through Vedic hymns and ingrain Shraddha in the supreme entity.

  • It connects our future generation with Hindus and Indian society at large.
  • Parents play an important part as role models for their children doing seva (service).
  • It enables parents to learn and guide their children about Vedic Dharma.
    Parents are urged to join satsang during school hours to learn about Sanaatan Dharma, enabling themseves to be knowledgeable guides in their children's lives, thus rising to a respectful/higher stature in their children's mind, and inducing sincerity in them.
  • Eating prasaad together and serving together for selfless causes creates fellowship. A coordinated prasaad (lunch) is for all- students, parents & everyone throughout the year.


  • DAVSS parents should become yajmaan at least once a year at Satsang in Main Hall to celebrate their child's birthday (suggested date- around their child's birthday). It makes children realize parents' feelings for them and gets them involved in seva. Parents are welcome to become yajmaan on more than one occasion to celebrate other important occasions in their lives besides children's birthdays, such as- marriage anniversaries, their parents' birthdays etc.
  • Arya Samaj Mandir provides and arranges food for preeti-bhoj on behalf of yajmaan. A (min) suggested donation of $300.00 by each yajmaan is recommended. The amount barely covers the food costs for the day and does not suffice to cover other expenses incurred by the Mandir.
  • DAVSS Parents undertake any 'Seva' (service) from a list of volunteer activities.