Parents’ Forum

From : Shailaja Menon [mailto:sha…

Respected Acharya ji

----------- to share some personal thoughts with you.

One of the rituals at our home, at night goes as follows: Our daughter comes to us before she goes to bed and says "Namaste". This small gesture means a lot to us. Our daughter was only five when she first came to us and said that Acharya ji has asked us to take blessings from our parents every night before we sleep and also in the mornings before we go to school. Well our mornings are very chaotic but this nightly ritual is one of the most beautiful part of our day.

It has been seven years since our daughter started attending DAVSS. It has been a wonderful experience for us. She can now know completely participate in the "Havan" by reciting the Mantras, she can read and write Hindi. She has participated in the yearly "Shloka" and essay competitions. These are some of the tangible benefits of being part of the DAVSS, but there are many more intangible ways in which her thoughts, values and personality have been shaped by DAVSS. It has given her a sense of belonging; helping her connect with her roots and cultural heritage. As she once told me that in the "Naitik Shiksha" class we learn about "Being righteous -- Doing the right thing" – to me this is the most profound lesson in life any child can have. We will ever be grateful to the DAVSS.

Thanks to -------all the teachers ----sincere dedication.

Dr. Shailaja Menon