Join Us This Week

Sunday Satsang

9:45 am – 12:00 pm Central

Satsang means an association with good people and is an important community-based tool for mental wellness. We begin with Sandhya at 9:45 am Read more... followed by a Vedic Havan conducted by Acharya Ji, and devotional songs by our talented singers. Typically, at 11:00 am, Acharya Ji delivers a Pravachan (discourse) on scriptures or another important topic of the day. Read less

Join us virtually until we fully re-start Satsang in-person!

Sandhya, Havan & Pravachan (Sun 9:45 AM):Join Now
Meeting ID: 895 5715 8228

Vaidic Education

Vaidic Education

Vaidic education, a study of scriptures, addresses the need for spiritual wellness. Led by our learned Acharya, Dr. Suryanarayan Nanda, class offerings include Sanskrit language, Meditation, and study of Vedas and other holy scriptures. Registration is required for attending different classes.

Join us virtually until we start in-person sessions:



Sat 8:00-9:30 am

Sun 8:00-9:15 am

Yoga is an ancient science for physical, mental and spiritual well being. Yoga asana sessions, led by Shekhar Agrawal Ji and Patanjali Yogpeeth USA teachers are open to all. They are held in Arya Samaj Greater Hosuton


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