Parents' Code of Conduct

The DAV Sanskriti School (DAVSS) is here to introduce ethics/morality, Vedic values, culture and Hindi to students. It is up to the parents to follow through with this learning at home and encourage children to apply these lessons in their daily lives.

  1. Parent/s of children attending the DAVSS are required to be present in the premises, attend Satsang in the Main Hall, teach or volunteer, while the children are doing Havan and attending the School.

  2. It is recommended that at least one parent be a volunteer in the School or Arya Samaj.

  3. Children should be punctual to School. The Prayers begin at 10:00am sharp. Late arriving students are asked to wait outside the building until prayers are finished. Doors will open at 10:10 am.

  4. Yajman children and their parents are expected to arrive at 9:45am and assist in setting up and cleaning up the Yagya Vedi before and after the Havan.

    Students Yajman Schedule at DAVSS Havan is according to DOB.

  5. Children are highly encouraged to wear Indian clothes to the School. Salwar Kameez for girls and Kurta Pajama for boys are recommended. They can wear the school t-shirts with leg wear below knee length.

  6. Please make sure that the children come to school equipped with paper, pens / pencils etc. along with their books.

  7. 70% attendance and teacher's is required for graduation at end of the school year.

  8. Please mark your calendars for special dates. Parents are required to attend all PTA meetings.

  9. If you know in advance about your child not being able to attend School on any Sunday, please tell the teacher and ask about the class missed. It is the duty of the child and parent to inquire what lesson was taught in the class and catch up.

  10. They will not be allowed to attend class without the folder. If they lose the folder, they will have to pay $20 for each replacement folder. Please insist that your children take home all their belongings. DAVSS is not responsible for lost items.

  11. Please make use of e-mail ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), suggestion box or talk to teachers or committee to let us know your ideas and suggestions.

  12. Arya Samaj is a temple. Please dress properly when you come here or bring your child/ren.

  13. This is YOUR school. Please talk to your child about discipline, keeping it quiet, clean and beautiful. Be a role model for your child and teach them by example.

Thank you!

DAV Sanskriti School Committee